Part 139: NGAE: ~/cyan/betray/red/ally sigma\$ !!
Okay where were we?
Right, right, we were about to disarm a bomb with savestates.
I remembered to write down the passwords this time too.
See? We'll be fine.
By the way, it's really irritating to try and write things in the Vita version.
I think I mentioned this before, but there's another reason the Vita notepad kinda sucks; you can't have it open while you're inputting stuff. On the 3DS version, when you open the notepad on an input screen (which is always on the lower screen), once you close the notepad the page you were looking at shows on the top screen while you input stuff. It's super handy.
VLR OST: [Divulgation]
Listen in: [English/Japanese]
I sighed and wiped what felt like a bucket's-worth of sweat from my forehead.
Yeah, I guess I did...
You heard it in another history?
Just what happened in that other timeline...?
Uh, never mind. We don't have time for that.
How much longer...?
Good, we've still got time.
C'mon, let's go! We've still got two more!
The number two bomb is next on the list!
So we're heading to the control room?
Right. No time to waste.
Oh, and don't forget the input device!
And then she was gone.
I hurriedly disconnected the device from the bomb and chased after her.
VLR OST: [Strain]
I'd just like to underline at this point that I have been cutting out an enormous quantity of dot-bleeping-around-a-map animations from my transcriptions.
Listen in: [English/Japanese]
*Pant* *Pant*
You got it...?
Yeah, right here...
Hook it up...
Okay. Hurry it up. Plug in the password.
H-Hey! What the hell?!
Calm down. You probably just typed it in wrong.
No, no way, I'm sure I did it right...
Try it again.
Yeah, nothing...
That password's no good.
Then it's different...
All three bombs use different passwords...
Yeah, looks like it.
Phi slammed her foot against the locker, her face uncharacteristically twisted by anger and frustration.
Try and remember it.
Did you see or hear anything in another history that could be a password? A different password?
You mean, like, a different history from the other one I remembered?
You figured it out there...
You just can't remember it very well right now.
Remember what happened with the last bomb?
This one is just like that.
Another history... Another history...
The password...
Do I know what it is?
Can I remember it...? I have to...
Okay lemme check the--
There's no unique failure dialogue here; you always get the same scene when you fail one of these.
Racking ever up the minutes.
All in all, this path is remarkably well plot-secured, isn't it?
Believe it or not we've actually exhausted all of our available deep options in the flowchart. So we're going to be revisiting a Chromatic Door decision this time around, and completing another Escape. But which?
cd ~/magenta/ally/red
After successfully allying with Luna, go through the Red door with Alice and Clover
cd ~/magenta/ally/blue
After successfully allying with Luna, go through the Blue door with Alice and K
cd ~/yellow/ally/green
After being betrayed by Tenmyouji, go through the Green door with Clover and Quark
cd ~/yellow/ally/blue
After being betrayed by Tenmyouji, go through the Blue door with Clover and Tenmyouji
cd ~/cyan/betray/blue
After successfully betraying Alice, reject Alice's suggestion and insist on taking the Blue door with Luna and Alice
cd ~/cyan/betray/green
After successfully betraying Alice, reject Alice's suggestion and insist on taking the Green door with Luna and Clover